
Monitoring Labour Market Reforms II



Partners Meeting




18th January 2008

03.00 pm



ul. Foksal 3/5, 00-366


(Stowarzyszenie Dziennikarzy Polskich)



Dorati Cristina, Arifl

Manuela Lodovici Samek, IRS

Marius Irinel, Impreuna

Magda Kozerska, Foundation Polska-Europe-Polonia

Zygmunt Gutowski, Foundation Polska-Europe-Polonia

Ryszard Laczynski, Foundation Polska-Europe-Polonia



Points to be discussed:


1.   Presentation of the project activities to be developed in each partner country :

o   material that each partner should provide for the draft of the final report

o   contribution from partners

o   timing

Dorati introduces the meeting agenda and presented the future activities that are to be developed by the partners, in particular the draft of the final report. The document will be presented during the final conference and therefore needs to be ready in its final version at the end of March-

Manuela L.Samek explains the documents details and distributes the guidelines. An index including all the issues covered by the project activities. The final report needs to have all partners’ contribution and the frameworks in each partner country as for employment services for migrants, dismissed workers, ethnic minority and the interaction of private-public services for their provision.

Deadline fixed are the following:

·        29.02.2008:    draft version of the country report

·        31.03.2008:    final version of the country report


The conference will take place in Milan in May. The event will ask each partner to participate and invite external experts. Each partner is welcomed to name external experts by the end of april.

Deadline fixed:

·        30.04.2008:    list of external experts to be invited to the final conference in Milan



2.       Provisional organization of the final international conference

o      tasks for each partner and outputs to be achieved

o      timing


The final conference is supposed to be before the end of the project period, which means by 15 May 2008. Given the time needed to have the final product and to have it printed for distribution, all partners agree on the extension request to the Commission.

To this end, Cristina Dorati will ask the Commission for an extension of 2 months. Feedback will be given to partners soon. Provided the extension, the conference may take place on:

·        4th July or 7th July


In case extension is not accepted, the conference will take place on:

·        15th May

In this case, the final products will need to be produced by that time.


The partners agree on that.


3.       Administrative documents:

o   Compulsory documents that each partner organising the workshop needs to provide:

§  Signatures list

§  minutes

§  Press release

§  Folder copy

§  Copies of speakers’ presentations


Dorati explains all the compulsory documents that are to be produced within the project especially for the meetings/workshops.

The list of the compulsory docs is given and a solicit is made to the Romanian partner since the workshop organised in Bucharest did not have any follow-up activity.

Irinel guarantees that everything will be provided very soon.


The polish partner checks all the compulsory docs provided for the workshop and promises to send the project leader the missing ones: signatures lists, copies of press release, adds and minutes of the workshop.


o   Reimbursement procedures ,Expenses and available resources


Dorati explains that no requests for reimbursement have been processed by the partners. This has compromised the interim payment from the Commission. The partners are asked to send them as soon as possible keeping them in line with the regulations provided at the beginning of the project.


·        Discussion

The partners discuss about the chance to develop another proposal and submit it to the commission in order to have a chance to carry out another project and keep on studying employment issues together. New pilot initiatives have been implemented in each partner country and a benchmarking would be interesting, involving further nations. Some ideas are given and shared.

Monitoring of the calls is promised by Dorati and a contribution in terms of new project ideas will be made by each partner.


The meeting is closed.