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The 17h International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival

Niepokalanov, Warsaw    May, 21th - 25th, 2002

Sent in Films      Sent in Radio Programs     Program (general in Polish)      Participation Form      Entry Form          Festival Regulations

FILM AWARDS                   RADIO AWARDS

Signis Special Award
to the documentary "El Misinero"  - " The Missionary" (Film Studio "WIR", Warsaw, Poland, 2000) for its high quality production, interesting content, beautiful pictures and excellent sound effects. Director Wojciech Staron captures not only the beauty of the Anden nature but also shows missionary life from a different, a new point of view. The film gives a very realistic insight in the priest's fight with nature and loneliness. That makes every minute of the film to an exciting adventure. And the viewer is left with great admiration for the church's mission. 

A mention of Signis
to "Sprawiedliwy wśród..." - "The just among ..." Dir. Beata Hyży - Człopińska The short documentary focuses on Polish people who were hiding and saving their Jewish neighbours during the German occupation in the Second World War.

The announcement of the Jury  of the XVII International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival

21 - 25 May the International Catholic Film and Multimedia Festival "Niepokalanów 2002" was held in Niepokalanów. Under the patronage  of the Honorary Committee and his highness cardinal Józef Glemp. The Festival took place in the centre of the Knighthood of Immaculate in Niepokalanów - Lasek,  founded by St. Maximillian Kolbe. The Festival is also a time of deep reflection for the authors and participants of the Festival. Along with Polish films also foreign productions were shown, namely from: Bielorussia,  Check Republic, The Netherlands, Hong -Kong, Ireland, Japan, Russia, the USA and Italy. 53 Films were nominated for the festival. The Jury spent 27 hours watching the films. The International Jury:
Janusz Szafraniec - chairman of the Jury, senator, ex-member of the National Committee of  Radio and Television.
Maria Jędrzejewska - secretary of the Jury, historian of arts, theologian
Maria Cech (Austria) - film producer CRTN, representative of SIGNIS
s. Beata Iwaszko - amateur film director
Eugeniusz Jachm - actor, film director
Wanda Różycka-Zborowska - film director
Romuald Wierzbicki - film director
inż. Antoni Zięba - Journalist of "Źródło" and "Nasza Arka" 

has decided to grant the following awards:
"Non possumus - Prymas Stefan Wyszyński"  dir. Paweł Woldan
for perfect realisation of the film and thorough portray of the priest Stefan Wyszyński, a man of profound faith and of a great courage, who   was the leader of the Polish Church during   the totalitarism. The director owing to the use of archival sources perfectly depicts the essence of the priest's message.

Ex equo

1.      - "W sprawie generała Fieldorfa Nila"  - "General Fieldorf's Case" dir. Alina Czerniakowska
for clear  and uncompromising presentation of the dramatic search for justice in the Polish courts.   The film is the general Fieldorf Nil's daughter's cry for justice.
"El Misionero" The film tells of the Polish missionary  who has been evangelising Indians for 15 years. All in high, inaccessible and severe scenery of Andes.   It is a story of the struggle with difficult life conditions and sects. The burden is a continuous challenge for his faith. The wonderful example makes us ponder over whether we    truly believe in God. Moreover the camera work and sound effects, which create the poetics of the movie ,  attract the viewer.

Ex equo  II "Licheńskie Proroctwo"  - "Lichen Prophesy" dir. Andrzej Kałuszko for the beautiful form of the movie  and scrupulous presentation of marvellous proof of faith of the priest , Eugeniusz Makulski, as well as for the attempt to show  the incredible phenomenon of Licheń  Prophesy.

"Gregoire and the men in irons" dir. Leonardo Lucchetti (RAI) for an interesting theme that presents an incredible vocation to love people who have been put in irons merely for being insane.

III Ex equo
"Droga do Astany" - "The Way to Astana" dir. Krzysztof Żurowski for showing the restoration of faith in Kasachstan  before the pilgrimage of John Paul II to Astana. The director in an interesting way featured   people who are longing for the spiritual life. The character of the old citizen of the country awakes deep admiration.

"Bohater" - "The Hero" dir. Dariusz Gajewski  for the historical truth about Stanisław Kosicki - the young member of  AK (National Army), who was the base for the creation of Maciek Chełmiski von Jerzy Anrzejewski's book "Ash and Diamond"  . However he did not end up on the rubbish hip of history.


I Prize "Wieczernik" - "The Last Supper Room" dir. Grzegorz Królikiewicz  

 for an incredible theatre performance which is a poetic adaptation of a drama by Ernest Bryll. The performance shows the Apostles  after Jesus Christ's death. The full of fear Apostles are hiding in the Last Supper Room having no idea what to do. The film also presents their joy when they meet the Risen Lord. 

"Droga do Św. Mikołaja"  - "The way to Santa Claus"  dir. Leszek Zduń for the attempt to find the answer to the question  whether it is worth believing in goodness as well as for an interesting way of presenting the examples from the saints' lives. 


I "Bastion Świętokrzyski" - "Saint Crucifix Bastion" dir. Elżbieta Szumiec - Zielińska  

it is a history of  a     Saint Crucifix  Church in Warsaw. 350 -year-old temple is a bastion of faith, mercy and patriotism.   The character of St. Wincent a' Paulo - patron saint of mercy - appears to be an essential paragon for the present world.

II prize ex equo 

"Być sobą" - "Be yourself" dir. Teodor Ratkowski It is a picture of Greek - Catholic society  (Northeast of Poland) that finds its way to God. The sewed seed of Gospel is ready to grow.  The beauty of liturgy and the local customs are perfectly reflected  in the title.

"September 17th " dir. Marek Widarski the archival sources which have been so far unknown and remain moving as they portray the tragic history of our country.  Germany and Russia raided together Poland in order to deprive the Poles of their freedom. The documentary shows the collaboration of the two invaders.

 III Prize     Ex equo  

"The Campinos Epic" dir. Alina Czerniakowska The film uncovers the truth about AK (National Army). No matter the danger the brave soldiers  manage to get  to Warsaw occupied by the two invaders - Germany and Russia. Their devotion of the soldiers encouraged   people to further  resistance.  

"Little Way"   dir. Leszek Tomala Santa Teresa of Jesus the Child, Carmelite Barefoot of France died at the age of 24.  Through her "little Way" she explains how to become a saint, she gives the answer to the question about the aim of the suffering.  


I prize  "God came to Manhattan " dir. Piotr Semka It is an attempt to show the tragedy of New York City on 11th September . Through the people personally involved in the catastrophe, the programme shows the presence of God in the dramatic event. One of the heroes of the rescue operation was father Mychal F. Judge, Franciscan, chaplain of the New York Fire brigades.

II prize "Euthanasia death on request or regular murder" dir. Grzegorz Jankowski    

In this through portrait of difficult and disputable subject of a human right to live. The author had the courage to present different points of view therefore he showed the problem form various perspective.

 III prize "Tylko jeden człowiek" - "One man only" dir. Henryk Jantos   

Jadwiga Sobol's sensibility for  human need and suffering  gave birth to the volunteer organisation.


I prize "The Calling" dir. Nathan Flood (USA)  Father Tim Hupburn, catholic priest, gives his testimony of faith in American society.  The form of the movie is worth recommending.

 II prize  "Król Czynu" - "The King of Deed" dir. Hanna Bednarczyk, Leszek Mańkowski 

The movie pays the tribute to Piort Wawrzyniak, the priest, the social, cultural and economic activist, whose mission is  preserve the Polish roots and dignity. His ideas are being continued by the local society of Wielkopolska.

III  Prize "Kościelny od św. Idziego" - "St. Idzi Church's sacristan" dir. Jacek Dworakowski  

It is  a simple movie about a deaf sacristan who has found his on earth.  

 Special Award of the  magazines "Arka Noego" (Noe's Arc) and "Źródło" ("The Spring"): 

"In the House of a New Life" dir. Danuta Kaszewska, ks. Cezary Kuciński It is a beautiful portrait of the country priest's ministry who created a home for boys without aim in their lives.

 Special Award of "Knighthood of the Immaculate Virgin Mary" Association : 

"Niepokalanów  - The castle of Virgin Mary " dir. Dorota Gorska - The movie is an innovative way of showing the character of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe   and his faith in Virgin Mary and courage in    undertaking the challenges. The film includes extracts from archival sources in Niepokalanów.


Films nominated to the final content between 21th and 24th of May 2002:

3402 September 11th. Stories from the Twin Towers (Irlandia)
3403 W służbie bliźniemu
3409 Droga, prawda, życie
3412 Gou Nichi ni kakeru - Ai no Teisudo (Japonia)
3413 Dwie Polski
3414 Świątynie pod otwartym niebem
3415 Wieczernik
3419 Peregrynacja obrazu Matki Boskiej Jasnogórskiej
3421 Droga do Astany
3422 W domu nowego życia
3428 The Calling (USA)
3429 Pielgrzymi
3438 Niepokalanów - Gród Maryi
3439 Żeby zrozumieć
3441 Być sobą
3442 Don Bosko svetec, ktery skalal salta (Czechy)
3444 Przynoszą tu smutki i radości
3445 Bastion Świętokrzyski
3447 Bez adresu
3449 Kościelny od św. Idziego
3451 Quantum Memory (USA)
3453 Kościół pod wezwaniem św. Stanisława Kostki
3459 Sprawiedliwi wśród ...
3461 Horoskop - gazetowa rzeczywistość
3465 17 września
3466 Król czynu
3469 Mała droga
3473 To co najważniejsze
3477 Misjonarze w Rwandzie
3483 Brat Roger twórca Taize i rzecznik idei pojednania
3491 Wesele wesel
3495 Licheńskie proroctwo
3499 Missionari (Włochy)
3503 Szansa na życie - odc. 13
3505 Przepaść uzależnień
3508 Eutanazja - śmierć na życzenie czy zwykłe morderstwo
3510 Bóg na Manhattanie
3512 Gregoire et les hommes aux fers (Włochy)
3513 Gesu, un bambino come noi (Włochy)
3517 Ziarno - Zanim się narodził
3520 Bohater
3522 Non possumus - Prymas Stefan Wyszyński - część 1
3523 Non possumus - Prymas Stefan Wyszyński - część 2
3524 Droga do św. Mikołaja
3530 Tylko jeden człowiek
3532 Lednica 2001
3533 Skrawek nieba
3539 Po dorogie k chramu (Rosja)
3540 W sprawie generała Fieldorfa Nila
3541 Kampinoska Epopeja
3543 Terapia przez sztukę - Bogu wyśpiewam
3544 El Misionero 
3546 ... to nie był straszny sen ...(Białoruś)
3551 Szliach da Boga (4) (Ukraina)

We received finally 147 films, 45 radio programs , 14 musical records
from 10 countries

All participant will be informed about results and detail screening program of the Festival
The categories:
- feature films  - dokumental films   - television and catechetic programs    - amateur films
- radio programs   - music records  - multimedia programs on CD ROM  - Web sites

Catholic Film Association of St. Maximilian Maria Kolbe
Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Filmowe im. św. Maksymiliana Marii K
ul. Barska 2;02-315 Warszawa, POLAND
tel./fax (+4822) 823-44-89, tel. (+4822) 668-71-08
E-mail:               oraz    